
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Ladies and gentlemen, Spanish students across the globe, I’d like to introduce you to my latest creation!


Wed, Apr 29, 2009

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I had once assumed that if I were to learn a constructed language, it would be Esperanto.

Huevos verdes con jamón

Mon, Mar 2, 2009

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. This past Christmas, I received Huevos verdes con jamón, which is the Spanish translation of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I’ve been trying to improve my listening skills in Spanish. So far I’m terrible at it but I’m picking up more words the longer I listen.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Photo by [nati] One of the great challenges of learning a new language is immersing yourself in the new language enough so that you can almost absorb it through osmosis .
Learn Spanish Vocabulary in the Shower
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. It is said that the best way to learn a foreign language is through total immersion.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. While celebrating my youngest son’s birthday earlier this week, I was enjoying a can of my favorite drink from México: Del Valle Néctar de Guayaba de concentrado (guava juice nectar from concentrate) when I realized I had just found the source for my next Frases en Español post!
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I recently discovered that I could switch my phone’s display language from English to Spanish, and in doing so I was blown away by the new vocabulary that I hadn’t seen elsewhere.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. As I mentioned at the end of my article, Setting up a Spanish keyboard in Windows Vista , I am primarily a user of Linux and the KDE desktop environment.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Can’t figure out how to type “¿Dónde está el baño?” on your keyboard? If you use Windows Vista, this article will tell you how to setup a Spanish keyboard so that you can type all those characters that aren’t standard on your keyboard.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I was on the phone with my friend Patrick, who has been my friend for about 12 years, and one of the things we discussed was our study of Spanish.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I recently purchased a book called Spanish Verbs And Essentials of Grammar to strengthen my understanding of Spanish grammar and conjugation.