
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. In a previous post, I had decided to stop studying after a set amount of time to prevent being overwhelmed.

Step 2: Survive the flood

Mon, Oct 15, 2007

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Last night, having been delayed by sickness, I studied Step 2 of Spanish Step-by-Step.

The Greek Alphabet Song

Mon, Oct 15, 2007

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Quite by accident, I found a site with a recording of a Greek alphabet song.

Remember the Alamo!

Thu, Oct 11, 2007

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Spanish has been a back and forth battle for me for years. A better analogy would be a series of small border conflicts, as most of the time nothing is going on, but when I do decide to learn Spanish, I charge into it and I’m soon pushed back away, and nothing more happens for a while.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Εν αρχη (en archae) means “in the beginning.” After 7 months without studying at all, I’ve finally sat down and spent some time a couple nights ago to study New Testament Greek (also called Koine Greek).