Babelhut was a blog created by my friend Thomas and myself to document our language learning journey online. Our about page from the site said this:
Babelhut.com is a small space devoted to language and language learning. We, the authors, write about our experiences on the path to fluency in our target languages and about other language-related topics that interest us.
Posting on Babelhut helped to keep us motivated with our language learning as we were sharing our progress with each other and with the world. We quickly began to make friends with other language learning bloggers.
Our work on Babelhut led to the creation of RhinoSpike.
Over time, we focused our attention on RhinoSpike and we stopped writing posts on Babelhut. At some point, the domain name didn’t get renewed and Babelhut disappeared into the ether.
I’m not sure when, but at some point someone else registered the domain babelhut.com and has put up their own language learning blog. I don’t know this person, or if he is aware of the previous incarnation of babelhut.com. I wish him well on his language learning journey.
Below is a list of my posts which were originally written on Babelhut.com:
- Reading with Interlinear Books
- Exporting Terms to Anki from Learning With Texts
- The Wonder of Critical Frequency
- Jes, Mi Lernas Esperanton - Yes, I'm Learning Esperanto
- Use tatoeba.org for mining sentences
- I am starting to learn Japanese, not for fluency, but for travel.
- Spanish Verb Highlight: Oír
- ¡Muchas gracias, Time Warner Cable! How did you know I am studying Spanish?
- Barra de Español 1.2 is now available!
- Barra de Español is now in the Public list on addons.mozilla.org
- Ramses launches the Spanish-English Sentence Database
- Why You Should Be Using the US International Keyboard Layout
- What's on your playlist?
- The Winner of a Free Copy of '601 Spanish Verbs'
- Review of 601 Spanish Verbs + a Giveaway
- Update: Barra de Español version 1.1 has been released
- False friends: decepcionar
- Barra de Español: A new Firefox toolbar for Spanish students
- We have hopped onto the Twitter bandwagon
- Lojban
- Dreaming in another language
- Huevos verdes con jamón
- Listening to compressed words in Spanish
- Find music you actually like in the language you are learning
- Learn Spanish Vocabulary in the Shower
- Frases en Español: Néctar de Guayaba de concentrado
- Frases en Español: Mobile Phone
- Recovering from a period of demotivation
- I switched my KDE desktop to Spanish
- 10 free 1 hour tutoring sessions on eduFire
- Setting up a Spanish keyboard in Windows Vista
- Patrick's Spanish Study Methods
- Los Verbos y La Gramática
- Children's Books in Spanish
- ¡Mnemosyne Al Rescate!
- Spanish Update: Shorter study time
- Step 2: Survive the flood
- The Greek Alphabet Song
- Remember the Alamo!
- Εν αρχη: Starting with New Testament Greek (again)