
What's on your playlist?

Fri, Jul 10, 2009

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Listening and understanding Spanish is a big weakness for me. I can read Spanish much better than I can listen to it.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I’m sure the question on your mind right now is: So, who won the free copy of 601 Spanish Verbs?
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Update: The deadline for entering the drawing has been extended, see details at the bottom of this post.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I’ve just released an update to Barra de Español, version 1.1. The new version has some new features that I believe make it a necessary upgrade for those of you currently using version 1.
Just a quick update to announce that Barra de Español version 1.1 has been released. For more details, see my post on babelhut.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Every once in a while, we all run into a word that deceives us about its meaning.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Ladies and gentlemen, Spanish students across the globe, I’d like to introduce you to my latest creation!
I have just released a new Firefox add-on called Barra de Español, a toolbar for those who are studying the Spanish language.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Joining Twitter has become the trendy thing for bloggers to do, and while the non-conformist inside of me tells me to go against the trend, I think there may be some value in Twitter that I haven’t totally realized yet.


Wed, Apr 29, 2009

This post was originally posted on Babelhut. I had once assumed that if I were to learn a constructed language, it would be Esperanto.
This post was originally posted on Babelhut. Last night I found Spanish-dubbed versions of a couple of American television shows online, and I was watching them while doing laundry.
This is the third post in the BibleFeed Project. If you haven’t already, read the first and second posts. In my last post I stated the difficulty I was having finding a python library to handle the SOAP web service which I’ll be using to get the data for this project.