Frases en Español: Néctar de Guayaba de concentrado

This post was originally posted on Babelhut.

While celebrating my youngest son’s birthday earlier this week, I was enjoying a can of my favorite drink from México: Del Valle Néctar de Guayaba de concentrado (guava juice nectar from concentrate) when I realized I had just found the source for my next Frases en Español post! Conveniently the text on the can is bilingual so I did not need to do the translation myself, although I try not to look at the English text normally.

25% de jugo de fruta

Some handy advice from the side of the can:

Agítese antes de abrir

Shake well before opening

Una vez abierto consérvese en refrigeración

Refrigerate after opening

Disfruta, haz deporte, tomalo bien frío

Enjoy, exercise, drink cold

This is on the banner in the lower part of the can in the picture:

Buena fuente de vitamina C, sin conservadores

Good source of vitamin C, without preservatives

From the ingredients:

puré de guayaba a partir de concentrado

guava puree from concentrate