Frases en Español: Mobile Phone

This post was originally posted on Babelhut.

I recently discovered that I could switch my phone’s display language from English to Spanish, and in doing so I was blown away by the new vocabulary that I hadn’t seen elsewhere. This, along with an excellent series of posts from Ramses, has inspired me to help others by sharing what I have learned.

This is the first post in what may become a semi-regular series from me, called Frases en Español. In this series I will give you several sentences or phrases in Spanish from a particular source. These phrases will ideally introduce you and me to new vocabulary, and are ideal for adding to your SRS study.

By their nature, mobile phones have small screens, so the phrases found here are pretty short. Future posts in this series will contain longer phrases so that new grammar can be shown with the new vocabulary.

Here are the phrases I found:

El dispositivo de bolsillo está bloqueado.

The handheld device is locked.

Bloqueo del teclado

Lock the keypad

Hacer una llamada

Make a call

Números de marcación rápida

Speed dial numbers

Libreta de direcciones

Address Book

Mis tonos de llamada

My ringtones

If you have other mobile phone related phrases, or wish to correct my phrases (I’m a beginner after all), please comment below!