Race to Be FTF

This page is related to the puzzle geocache GC2D8YD / OU0004. If you are unsure what that is, please check out Geocaching.com or Opencaching.us to learn more.

What follows is a story in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure story.

Choose Your Own Geocaching Adventure - The Race to Be FTF

You were just finishing dinner at home when you heard your computer make a noise. The noise was a familiar email notification. You get up to check your email and see that you’ve just received an alert about a brand new geocache in your area! You want to rush out the door and be the first to find it, or FTF as geocachers call it, but you just know that if you neglect to put away the dinner dishes, they will sit there until the morning and will probably start to smell bad by then.

What do you do?

If you choose to forget the dishes and attempt to find the cache right away, go to page 3.

If you would rather finish your dishes first and choose to pursue the cache later, go to page 21.